Stay in the moment: If you're at a corporate event and all you do is edit your YouTube video or tweet, you're not projecting a positive image, says Mercedes-Benz USA's Steve Cannon. 活在当下:梅赛德斯-奔驰美国公司的史蒂夫•卡说,身处公司某活动现场,如果只顾编辑YouTube视频或者发布tweet,这并不是什么积极的形象。
Also, she has a very positive image around the world. 同时,她在全世界有非常正面的形象。
She tried to give a positive image but somehow, thinking of the crushed green beads on the Jewellers floor, it was hard not to imagine that her luck had run out with the raiders. 她尽量地表现得积极一点,可是不知怎么的,只要一想到珠宝店地板上被碾压的绿珠子,她就感到自己的好运已经随劫匪一起逃走了,这个念头缠绕着她,难以打消。
This positive image – and the encouragement we derive from positive comments – boosts our self-esteem. 这种积极形象以及我们从正面评论中获取的鼓励,使我们变得自满。
This will change the tone of your voice and project a positive image to the listener. 微笑会改变你的声音,会给面试官留下你积极乐观的印象。
It was also aimed at creating a positive image for transgender people, who struggle to find jobs outside of the entertainment and tourism industries. 蒂凡尼变性人选美大赛也意在塑造变性人的良好形象,而变性人这一群体目前除了从事娱乐和旅游业工作外、很难找到其他工作。
Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose quietly impressive leadership has contributed a lot to the positive image of modern Germany, will be well aware of the challenges that lie ahead. 德国总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)低调而令人印象深刻的领导风格对现代德国的正面形象贡献良多。她将清楚地意识到德国面临的挑战。
As a public welfare workers, I will self-start and establish a positive image for the prevention of AIDS advocacy work to make their own efforts. 作为一名公益事业工作者,我将从自我做起,树立正面积极的良好形象,为预防艾滋病的宣传工作做出自己的努力。
Build a positive image of your organization and an image of yourself as knowledgeable, intelligent, and capable. 建立一个组织的正面形象和你自己作为知识丰富、富有才华、能力出众的形象。
Autopositive: A class of photographic materials that will yield a positive image from a positive original without an intermediate negative stage. 直接正片:一种照相材料,可以无须经中间负片的步骤而把正片原稿复制为正片。
By reversal process a positive image film is obtained and by bleaching it become the final encoded film. 用反转加工法冲洗出正片,再经漂白处理得到景物像的三基色编码片。
The key and most important business of our company is to help international companies start up business in Bulgaria, build high public awareness and create permanent positive image. 我们公司最主要和最重要的业务是帮助外国公司在保加利亚开展业务、建立高的知名度、创造永久性正面形象。
Now see that dissociated positive image again. 现在看见那个抽离的积极图像。
We should more consciously project a better and more positive image of ourselves. 我们有必要为自己塑造较积极和正面的形象,以突出我们的民族特性。
If the paper is placed in a photographic developer, a positive image of the original object will appear on the paper. 如果把相纸放在显影剂上,相纸上就会出现原物的正像。
It also promotes Hong Kong as an international hub for business, and is an important partner of the Government in promoting a positive image of Hong Kong world-wide. 贸易发展局是政府的重要伙伴,与政府合力向世界各地宣传香港的良好形象。
The explanation for the generally positive image of the US in Asia is less geopolitical than sociological and cultural. 美国在亚洲的形象总体积极,原因多来自社会学和文化方面,而不是地缘政治方面。
Between China and other countries to help create a more positive image of the country in the international community. 李(永辉)教授呼吁中国和其它国家展开更多民间交流,以在国际社会营造更积极的国家形象。
However, the relation between positive image and contact could be affected by the history events between the two regions. 不过,亲身接触与正面印象的关系,会受两地之间的历史事件影响。
Religion has a positive image in China and what religious people have done has been recognized and widely respected, according to the consensus. 宗教在中国下面的形象,宗教人士所做已被认知及广泛的尊重。根据这份声明中说。
Choose anything that triggers a positive image, like your wedding-dance song or the music that played during a first date or at the first rock concert you went to as a teenager. 婚礼时的舞曲、初次约会时的音乐或十来岁时第一次去摇滚音乐会的音乐。
Ordinary Chinese have a high opinion of lawyers, mainly thanks to the positive image of lawyers projected in foreign movies. 中国百姓对律师的印象很好,这主要是因为来自电影里的对外国律师的好印象。
It is a marketing tool and can help portray a positive image for your company or website. 它是一个营销手段,可以帮助你的公司或者网站描绘一个积极的形象。
China's positive image in the world should be damaged! 中国在世界上的正面形象受到了损害。
Ad-makers choose words and brand names very carefully in order to create a positive image of the product they are promoting. 广告设计者会很小心地斟酌用词和品牌名,力图为他们所推广的产品创造一个正面的形象。
Colour reversal: A colour film or paper which produces a positive image directly from a positive original. Combination line and tone: A single print or piece of film combining half-tone and line work. 彩色反转:一种彩色菲林或相纸,它把阳图原稿直接复制成阳图。网点线条混合:结合半色调网点和线条图形的相片或菲林。
But at the awards ceremony, attended by a procession of retired Chinese vice foreign ministers, the most important criteria for the award seemed to be promoting a positive image of China in Africa. 但在一批已退休的中国外交部副部长们出席的颁奖典礼上,该奖项最重要的标准似乎是是否提升了中国在非洲的正面形象。
In such a case, Chinese oil companies to shape a positive image and spreading enterprise is particularly important. 在此种情况下,中石油塑造和传播企业正面形象就显得尤为重要。
At the same time, this theme television program propagandizes our country culture outside, portrays the positive image of our country. 同时,这一题材电视节目还是对外宣传我国文化,塑造我国良好形象的平台与窗口。
And how the proposed country of China through the film positive image of the construction of ideas and thoughts. 并提出了怎样通过电影对我国的国家形象进行正面的、积极的构建的一些思路和想法。